The Four Advantages Religious Philanthropy Has in China, Says Professor

Prof. Chen Youhua
Prof. Chen Youhua
By Yi YangDecember 10th, 2015

Andrews, an American religious historian, once said, "religion is the mother of philanthropy." which reflects the relationship between religions and philanthropy. Chen Youhua, the professor of School of Social and Behavioral Sciences of Nanjing University, says that there are four advantages of carrying out philanthropy in the religious world in China:

1. It has the deep faith foundation, a long history and high general faith by the society.

2. Universality and extensiveness. In the five major religions of China, except Islam exists in certain peoples and districts, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity and Catholicism are religions that enter into both cities and villages, both the rich and beggars. The universal and extensive communication of religions helps mobilize people where religious philanthropy is better than the general philanthropy.

3. Non- materiality. The substance of philanthropy is "heart", not "money", generally recognized by the field. At this point, religious philanthropy is closer to the purpose of philanthropy.

4. Usualness. Influenced by the religions and the loving environment, religious philanthropy has more usualness than the general philanthropy.

Besides, Chen talks about the opportunities religious philanthropy has in China. They are mainly related to the increasing demand of the society and the national policies: the increase in demand of the society and in wealth, the raising consciousness and the support from the national policies.

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