Eight Aspects to Develop Leadership, Shares House Church Minister

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By Elsie HuApril 12th, 2017

A good leader is not only for guiding people God gives to him, but he also need to ensure all-round development. A speaker claims, "Leaders must learn to lead in the directions of up, down, left and right," in a training session called "Courageous Leadership" held in a house church of Shanghai.

How should one develop their leadership skills in an all-around way?

1. Confirm your calling.

If you receive God's calling that asks you to be a leader, surrender yourself to be used by God. "If you feel unsure of your calling, put down your work first and seek God to confirm your calling." What's more, you should spare no effort to work for it after making sure of the call.

2. Know your vision.

What is the prospect? How does your ministry develop? What is the vision? "If you have no idea regarding these aspects, you need to pray for God's instructions. Pray for your vision and study the Bible to check if the vision complies with the Biblical teachings. Every leader should know his or his ministry's vision."

3. Be enthusiastic about work.

Leaders should keep their enthusiasm up, which is their duty. "Do what you have to do, read must-read books and go to the places you must explore. They are to stir up your fervor. " A passionate heart helps the ministry stay young and leaders progress.

4. Insist on developing gifts.

"What are your first three gifts?" God grants leaders gifts. Some have three gifts and others have five or six.

He gives us gifts so that they can used to fulfill His glorious kingdom. "All the leaders will give account to God whether they use their gifts or not." The speaker said.

5. Have good character while obeying Christ.

Leadership needs moral authority. Followers only trust honest and integrated leaders. People won't follow a leader whose action disagrees with his words for a long time. "Whenever you compromise your character standards, you fail in leadership. " Moral problems will eventually harm the teams and the execution of the mission.

6. Subdue pride.

"God opposes the proud; but, shows favor to the humble."(1 Peter 5:5) Leaders need to make a choice: do you want God to oppose you or bless you when you lead people?

"A sailor must know the difficulty to handle a sailboat against the wind and also the comfort of sailing in the wind." Peter tells us that God will care and guide you when you are humble, while you will sail upwind when you become proud.

7. Overcome fear.

Fear makes people become paralyzed. But the Bible claims, "The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

"Ask yourself: does God speak to me? Is His indication clear? Does He still love me if I fail? Can I go to heaven if the thing is a complete failure? " The speaker added, "Leaders are obliged to deal with their own fear to avoid fear destroying the mission."

8. Increase your love for God and the people. 

Men are the most cherished treasures in the eyes of God, as a result, they should be our most valued. The church's core work should lie in loving others as God loves the world.

Translted By: Karen Luo

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