Henan Church Holds Preaching Competition

"Henan Christianity 2022 Excellent Sermons and Preachers Competition" was hosted in the auditorium of Henan Theological University on August 30-31, 2022.
"Henan Christianity 2022 Excellent Sermons and Preachers Competition" was hosted in the auditorium of Henan Theological University on August 30-31, 2022. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangSeptember 9th, 2022

The Henan Provincial CC&TSPM held the "Henan 2022 Excellent Sermons and Preachers Competition" in the auditorium of Henan Theological Seminary.

From August 30th to 31st, 12 outstanding preachers from churches in different cities across the province participated in this competition, CCC&TSPM reported.

At the opening ceremony, Rev. Tang Weimin, chairman of the provincial TSPM, delivered an opening speech, calling on all the pastors of the Henan church to keep learning, communicate with each other, and transform theological thoughts into practical preaching.

This competition was divided into two sessions. The preachers respectively focused on "The Bible and the Sinicization of Christianity", "Sacraments and the Sinicization of Christianity", "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture and the Sinicization of Christianity", and "Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-epidemic Era". After evaluation, 14 excellent sermons and papers and 12 excellent preachers were finally selected, and the latter received honorary certificates.

- Translated by Luke Leo

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