Ningbo Churches Launch App to Better Nurture Believers

A screenshot of the application "Ningbo Church Pastors" on the App Store
A screenshot of the application "Ningbo Church Pastors" on the App Store
By Kristina RanNovember 6th, 2023

Application for Ningbo Churches "Youngmu"(甬牧) was launched.

Wangchun Church in Ningbo City issued an announcement on November 1, saying this app had been rolled out with participants from Centennial Church, Holy Church, International Church, and Wangchun Church in this city.

The notice said believers could access this app to watch and replay the weekly Sunday worship services, stay updated on church activities, gain online spiritual resources, participate in or create prayer groups, and learn about the church's distinctive ministries.

In addition to the mentioned features, the interfaces of the Holy Church and Wangchun Church also include a "Prayer Message Board," where believers can share their prayer requests and see those of others to offer mutual intercessions. Centennial Church also has a "Church Prayer" section where believers can submit their basic information and prayer titles for intercessory support.

The "Yongmu" App also comes equipped with an AI writing assistant, which helps pastors and believers quickly create sermon outlines, polish articles, provide biblical insights and address various life-related questions.

Previously, churches in Beijing, Hangzhou, Hunan, and Rui'an have also launched their own apps. It is believed that churches will continue to leverage media and technology for management and pastoral care in the future.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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