Salvation Army Exchanges Social Services With Chinese Christian Organizations

Rev. Shen Xuebin, vice president of the China Christian Council (2nd from right), welcomed the delegation from the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory in Shanghai on November 8, 2023.
1/2Rev. Shen Xuebin, vice president of the China Christian Council (2nd from right), welcomed the delegation from the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory in Shanghai on November 8, 2023.(photo: CCC&TSPM)
Rev. Geng Weizhong, president of the Shanghai Christian Council, received the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory’s delegation in Shanghai on November 7, 2023.
2/2Rev. Geng Weizhong, president of the Shanghai Christian Council, received the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory’s delegation in Shanghai on November 7, 2023.(photo: Shanghai CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseNovember 13th, 2023

A delegation from the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory embarked on a visit to CCC&TSPM and Shanghai Municipal CC&TSPM, as well as Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, the only national seminary in China.

Rev. Shen Xuebin, residential vice president of the China Christian Council (CCC), welcomed the delegation on November 8, said CCC&TSPM.

Major Minny Chan, general secretary of the Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territory, shared information about the public welfare programs the Army runs in Hong Kong and Macau, in particular the services it provides for the elderly and the homeless, during the meeting.

On November 7, Rev. Geng Weizhong, president of the Shanghai Christian Council (CC), received the delegation, reported Shanghai CC&TSPM.

Besides the challenges they faced, both parties mainly discussed the social services the churches were involved in, especially poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and the issues of women, left-behind children, and elderly people living alone. Rev. Geng briefed on the public service ministry initiated by the municipal CC&TSPM, including medical assistance and heartwarming projects, highlighting the charity projects expanded by Shanghai Enguang Nursing Home and Shanghai Agape Foundation.

Last Thursday, while visiting the seminary located in Nanjing, Jiangsu, they discussed charitable theology in theological education in addition to social services, according to the school.

Founded in 1865, the Salvation Army is an international religious and charitable organization with the military form as its framework and administrative policy and Christianity as its basic belief. Currently, the Army has set up more than 80 social services units. Since March 2023, it has been elevated and has become one of the five major social service organizations in Hong Kong.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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