Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
Article by:Pastor Dr. Lajos Bekefy

With the Spiritual Lyre of Thousands of Years, We Call You, Holy Spirit of God

Pentecost is described as a mysterious and transcendent holiday that symbolizes the Holy Trinity and the presence of the Spirit of God, inviting people to tune their souls to the hymn of God, while emphasizing the importance of deep silence and attuning to the divine voice for spiritual purification and preparation for Pentecost.

Lord, I am Coming to You with Frozen Candle Tears and Ether Advent Music

I have come across a few heartbreaking images on this advent like this one titled the FIFTH ADVENT. Even this designation is bust-cutting, the sight is almost breathtaking. Fifth Advent? The further I look at this strange Advent greeting, the more I feel the frozen black wax streaks slowly and irresistibly seep into my heart.

1000 Words of the Wonderful Fruit of Pandemic Times, the COVID BIBLE

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a Swiss pastor launched a Bible copying campaign during the quarantine months. Positive responses soon came from many countries that people of all ages handwrote chapters of the Bible even in different languages. The handwritten Bible, also called "COVID Bible", shows the word of God can't be quarantined.
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