Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Beijing Pastor Reflects on Running, Staying, and Returning

Ultimately, all instances of running, staying, and returning are in God's hands. It's crucial to understand God's will, have a clear heavenly vision, and discern the mysteries behind our circumstances. Whether we choose running, staying, or returning, we should choose the path of death on the cross.

Reflections on Chaos in Gulangyu Island Tourism

Whenever holidays arrive, Gulangyu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, invariably trends on social media. However, during this year's Dragon Boat Festival, the "Sea Garden" which features ten Christian cultural heritage sites, has once again become a focal point, but this time with a bittersweet feeling.

Religious Discrimination Hinders Spread of Gospel

Religious discrimination hinders the spread of the gospel, obstructs the development of the localization of Christianity in China, and impedes friendly relations and exchanges between Christianity and other patriotic religions. Discarding prejudice will broaden our horizons and enable the widespread dissemination of the gospel.

Pastor: Building Churches Requires Forward Thinking

Building churches is not just about creating a place for worship. It involves a complex process of approvals, funding, design, and construction. An experienced pastor shares his insights into making a strategic plan.

The Next Decade of the Church in China

Pastor Li shared his reflections on Christianity in China as well as his outlook and predictions for the next decade. He believes that Chinese Christianity is transitioning from a growth period to a bottleneck period …the next long phase will be one of consolidation, with the cultivation and nurturing of excellent church talent being a key priority.

Homeward Bound: A Christian’s Return to China

Three months ago, I returned to China, and upon returning, I found the situation more urgent and needed than I imagined. From a spiritual perspective, China is like a dried-up pond, and I hope more people will come to serve in China, as it urgently needs your help. I am waiting for your arrival here.

A Brother's Letter From Shanghai Under Pandemic

The brother is really grateful to fellow believers from various cities for their concern and prayer. His community has been in lockdown for a month, but there is no shortage of daily food, as he has been cooking by himself for over 20 years. Besides cooking, he tried his best to reach neighbors with love and deeds.