The third Cross-strait Christian Social Service Forum was held by the Amity Foundation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province on June 20 and 21, 2019.
According to the Amity Foundation, more than 80 representatives from religious charities in mainland China and Taiwan, social service agencies, schools, and the government attended it.
Rev. Wei Tixiang, president of the Chinese Christian Cross-Strait Corporate Exchange Association, used the words "excitement", "joy" and "expectation" to describe his feelings about this forum. He expected future cross-strait communication and cooperation in church social service.
Rev. Zhang Keyun, chairman of Jiangsu Three-Self Patriotic Movement, said that the Jiangsu Christian Charity Fund, founded a decade ago, encouraged Christians to practice their beliefs, think theologically and enhance their understanding of their mission.
Ling Chunxiang, secretary general of the Amity Foundation, said that in the past decade, the fund had collected 10 million yuan and carried out 138 projects including elder care, the assistance to the disabled and students, poverty relief, and disaster relief.
Keynote speeches were given by professors and foundation directors. Three sub-forums were organized, focusing on "innovations of social service", "practice of elderly care" and "care for the physically challenged".

By Karen LuoJuly 1st, 2019
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