Friday, January 24th, 2025
Article by:Kristina Ran

Evaluating Pastoral Work: From Attendance to Heartfelt Recognition

Pastoral workers are teachers of the soul. Then how should the church assess their work? Minister Y, in charge of the office at Church A in a downtown southwest city, shared how the church has established a pastoral evaluation system, driven by a strong commitment, a scientific framework, and close relationships among coworkers.

Lausanne 4 Plenary: God’s Mission Empowered by the Holy Spirit

In the first missiological engagement plenary of the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization entitled “God’s Mission Empowered by the Holy Spirit” on September 23, speakers demonstrated dynamic testimonies and rational experience of churches led by the Spirit, highlighting that “God is at work.”

Churches Can Do Reception Ministry Better

Leaving the first impression of our church to newcomers, the reception staff connect the congregants with the church. They guide first-time guests and maintain order during services. Having the widest contact with believers, they also play an important role in identifying strangers and guarding against heresy.
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