Saturday, July 27th, 2024
Article by:Kristina Ran

Father's Day Special: Exploring Men's Ministries in China

As the worldwide church celebrates Father's Day, the importance of fostering strong male leadership within the church becomes ever more significant. The Gospel Times, an online Chinese Christian newspaper, has spotlighted a range of innovative men's ministries aimed at empowering and supporting men in their faith journeys.

Observation: The Impact of Prayer Ministry on Church Vitality

Prayer ministry is the greatest support for other ministries. For churches with limited conditions and those unable to start new ministries due to personnel or financial constraints, especially declining rural churches, prayer is particularly crucial because it is the easiest, most feasible, and most visibly effective ministry.

7 Tips for Protecting Believers From Shinchonji Cult

The invasion of cults and heresies is like a contagious virus that tests the whole immune system of a church. Here are seven tips for the church to protect its flock from being swayed based on a personal encounter with a Shinchonji cult.
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