16 Theology Faculty Get Accredited

The working group members of the teacher qualification recognition reviewed teacher application materials received in 2023 in Shanghai on February 21, 2024.
The working group members of the teacher qualification recognition reviewed teacher application materials received in 2023 in Shanghai on February 21, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangFebruary 27th, 2024

The qualification certification work conference for teachers in China’s theological colleges was held in Shanghai.

Rev. Lin Manhong, vice president and general secretary of the China Christian Council, introduced the origin and relevant regulations of the teacher qualification recognition working group on February 21, said CCC&TSPM. She pointed out that the recognition of teacher qualifications was one of the important measures to promote the standardized running of seminaries, standardize theological education, and promote the sinicization of Christianity.

According to the agenda, members of the working group sequentially reviewed teacher application materials received in 2023 and granted certificates to teachers who met relevant regulations. In 2023, a total of 18 teacher certification application forms were received from eight theological institutions, such as Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, Yanjing Theological Seminary, and Yunnan Theological Seminary, among which 16 colleagues obtained teacher qualifications.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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