Saturday, February 8th, 2025
Article by:Steve Sun

Three Pastors on Contextualizing Training Materials for China's Church

Small groups and discipleship training are increasingly valued in churches. To strengthen these ministries, pastors in charge often adopt materials from various churches and institutions to facilitate growth. However, pastors have diverse perspectives on the training materials they use, shaped by their specific contexts. Three frontline pastors gave their views on the contextualization of training materials to the Christian Times.

Quadriplegic Healed After Mother's Prayer of Dedication to God

The witches (religious healers) invited to perform rituals at their home left in despair; on the contrary, Shen, a man with lower limb paralysis recovered at the hospital when his mother, in the distance, chose to trust in Jesus and dedicated him to God in prayer.

Reflection of Bivocational Pastor on Ministry

Should the church hire Christians with jobs as the staff? Can pastors with secular jobs lead the church? Pastor Chen shares his personal experience of serving as a pastor while with an additional job.

Topic: Should Pastors Venture Into Business?

Full-time pastors and ministers often face a significant income gap compared to the need to support their families and children's education. It is a matter of concern whether pastors can venture into business. Five pastors from different provinces in China, each with over 20 years of pastoral experience, expressed their views on the issue.
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