Advanced Training Program for Pastors Kicks Off in Jiangxi

Students of the advanced pastoral personnel seminar held by Jiangxi CC&TSPM took a group picture in front of Jiangxi Bible School at the opening ceremony on July 4th, 2023.
Students of the advanced pastoral personnel seminar held by Jiangxi CC&TSPM took a group picture in front of Jiangxi Bible School at the opening ceremony on July 4th, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJuly 12th, 2023

An advanced pastoral personnel training program kicked off at Jiangxi Bible School.

More than 20 students from the class attended the opening ceremony on July 4th, according to CCC&TSPM.

Professor You Bin, dean of the Religion Research Institute of the Central University for Nationalities, gave the first lecture with the preface, "The Sinicization of Christianity Calls for the Consciousness of 'Grand Theology'." "Grand theology" is meant to integrate the Chinese theology with the trends of ecumenical theology, according to You's paper with the same title released on TSPM church's flagship magazine Heavenly Wind

The core vision of this workshop is "Our Era". The curriculum is divided into six categories: Our Scriptures, Our Faith, Our Worship, Our Prayer, Our Life, and Our Church. It is expected to complete 8 to 10 courses within two years.

During the summer and winter breaks each year, top scholars from each field will be invited to give concentrated lectures at the school. Each participant will complete a research project under the guidance of a mentor.

- Translated by Abigail Wu


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