Pastoral Staff Undergo Ordination Training in Shandong

A training class for pastoral staff to be ordained was held at Shandong Theological Seminary in Jinan City, Shandong Province, from July 17 to July 19, 2023
A training class for pastoral staff to be ordained was held at Shandong Theological Seminary in Jinan City, Shandong Province, from July 17 to July 19, 2023 (photo: Shandong CC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui July 25th, 2023

The Shandong Christian Council and Three-Self Patriotic Movement (CC&TSPM) organized a training program for pastoral staff set to be ordained this year.

A total of 117 individuals participated in the training course, which took place at the Shandong Theological Seminary from July 17 to 19, according to the Shandong CC&TSPM.

During her speech, Rev. Dong Meiqin, the director of the provincial TSPM, emphasized the importance of enhancing theoretical research and practical exploration of the sinicization of Christianity. She urged the majority of Christians to uphold faithfulness and righteousness while promoting the wholesome inheritance of Christianity in Shandong.

The class encompassed many subjects, such as the interpretation of "Localization of Christianity," "Patriotic Education and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement," "Self-Construction for Pastors," "Church Management," "In-depth Study of Religious Policies and Regulations, and the Advancement of Clerics' Development," as well as "Measures for the Administration of Religious Personnel." Assessments were also conducted as part of the training.

- Translated by Monica Zhang

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